JupyterCon is brought to you by



JupyterCon provides many unique opportunities for sponsors. On the one hand, the conference is certainly the best event in the world in which to engage the community that sustains and evolves Project Jupyter. Join us and become a participant in that dialogue. One the other hand, the conference provides access to a breadth of communities that leverage Project Jupyter:

  • as standard tooling for research worldwide
  • widespread use cases throughout education
  • emerging use cases for interactive content in publishing
  • integration points for enterprise data infrastructure, and enterprise concerns: collaboration, compliance, privacy, security, reproducibility, and so on
  • a place to reach practitioners, such as in data science
JupyterCon as a forum is pro-active on many important shared goals. To paraphrase from the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which many organizations have begun to adopt, Jupyter plays a growing role in resilient infrastructure (“Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation”) and in education (“Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”). Moreover, the conference is committed to promoting exemplary practices for diversity and inclusion, gender equality, as well as innovating on sustainability practices in conferences. We welcome sponsors who can help our community support and demonstrate these practices through the event.

If you are interested in sponsoring JupyterCon, email us at jupytercon-sponsor@numfocus.org to receive a prospectus, which is also available here.


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