List of Talks (preview)

The full program and schedule will be available soon.

  • fastpages - A new, open source Jupyter notebook blogging system.
  • Jupyter in the Wikimedia ecosystem
  • Scaling Jupyter Notebooks for global scale security analysis
  • From research to production in a snap using Jupyter Notebooks
  • Using Jupyter Notebooks to Empower the Public with Climate and Environmental Justice Data
  • Streamline your Data Science projects with Ploomber
  • How to avoid 'Death by Jupyter Notebooks' - Towards more effective and educational notebooks
  • ¡Bienvenido! Bienvenue! Welcome! JupyterLab and Language Extensions!
  • Dr. Schmood's Notebook of Python Calisthenics and Orthodontia
  • Getting Jupyter into classrooms to enable more schoolgirls to discover & enjoy Scientific Computing!
  • Why develop a snippet library for Jupyter in your subject domain?
  • Jupytext
  • How Jupyter and geemap enable interactive mapping and analysis of large-scale geospatial datasets
  • Teaching teenagers to understand Dark Energy with straight-off-the-telescope data & Jupyter.
  • IBM Quantum Experience Notebooks. Serving JupyterHub at scale for the Quantum Computing Community
  • Introducing a simple notebook continuous integration workflow
  • Electronic Examination using Jupyter Notebook with JupyterHub and nbgrader
  • Apache Spark 3.0: Big Data Analytics with GPUs and Jupyter Notebooks
  • The Care and Feeding of JupyterHub for Climate Solution Models
  • Role of Jupyter Notebook in performing Data Science activities at Educational Institutes.
  • ipyannotator - the infinitely hackable annotation framework
  • assert browserTest == True # Frontend Testing JupyterLab Extensions With Selenium
  • JupyterHub ≠ x, for all x: A tale of two JupyterHubs
  • NotebookOps: A pattern for building notebook-centric data platforms
  • A Notebook Style Guide
  • Teaching an Active Learning class with Jupyter Book
  • Interactive Knowledge Graph Visualization in Jupyter Notebook
  • Jupyter as an Enterprise “Do It Yourself” (DIY) Analytic Platform
  • Reproducible Exploration of Neuroimaging Data
  • 2i2c: sustaining open source through hosted Jupyter infrastructure for research and education
  • ProvBook: Capturing and Visualizing Provenance in Jupyter Notebooks for Reproducibility
  • The Littlest JupyterHub (TLJH) distribution - trouble-free Jupyter Notebooks for your students
  • The MariaDB Jupyter kernel
  • Introducing QHub: How to Get Your Own Cloud Data Science Platform on the Cheap
  • Help your plants to stay healthier with Machine Learning at home
  • OperationHub - Enhanced JupyterHub for DevOps Engineers
  • A Persistent BinderHub: Democratizing Access to Computational Resources in the Social Sciences
  • From Papers to Notebooks-Submission, Review, Presentation & Publication of Notebooks at EarthCube'20
  • Jupyter Notebook as a Medium for Experimentalist and Data Scientist Collaboration in neuroImaging
  • Optimizing model performance with feature engineering and hyperparameter optimisation
  • Automating biological network visualization with Jupyter Notebook
  • Cloud Native Repositories for Big Scientific Data
  • XVega : A C++ backend for the Vega-Lite visualisation system.
  • .NET Jupyter Notebook: Lessoned we learned building multi-language kernel
  • Practical Enterprise JupyterHub Deployment and MLOps with PrimeHub
  • Interactive Graph Visualization in Jupyter with ipycytoscape
  • Advanced Robotics in Jupyter Notebooks and JupyterLab
  • What is my GPU doing? Using PyNVML and the NVDashboard Jupyter Lab extension to access GPU metrics
  • Redesigning Notebooks for Better Collaboration
  • Creating JupyterLab extensions faster
  • Building AI Pipelines with Elyra - A deep dive using COVID-19 Analytics Scenario
  • Leap of faith: Transitioning from Excel to Jupyter-based applications
  • To Jupyter and back again: Seamless interoperability between ipywidgets and Bokeh 2.0
  • Using Qri (“query”) to fetch, query, combine and publish datasets.
  • Debugging notebooks and python scripts in JupyterLab
  • JupyterLab and GenePattern Notebook: Democratizing the accessibility of computational workflows
  • FlyBrainLab: Interactive Computing in the Connectomic/Synaptomic Era
  • A Generic Metadata-Store for JupyterLab extensions
  • sidestickies - Collaborative Annotation for Jupyter Notebook
  • What's new on Elyra - A set of AI centric JupyterLab extensions
  • Bridging Code and Interactive Visualization in Jupyter Notebooks with B2
  • Explore and Extend AI Pipeline Runtimes with Elyra and JupyterLab
  • pydeck: High-scale geospatial visualization for Python
  • Using the Jupyterverse to power MADS
  • Jupyter-enabled astrophysical analysis for researchers and students
  • Exploring the Universe with ESASky's JupyterLab widget
  • Exascale system management using Jupyter notebooks
  • How we built
  • After, before you deploy: Prototype with FastAPI in Jupyter!
  • Intro to Elyra - an AI centric extension for JupyterLab
  • A shared Python, R and Q (kdb+) Jupyter Notebook - A Quant Sandbox Dream
  • Running non-jupyter applications on JupyterHub with jupyter-server-proxy
  • Voilà dashboards for policy support
  • Jupyter Real Time Collaboration
  • High performance Jupyter: faster workloads with Dask and RAPIDS
  • Pulse Physiology Engine: An Interactive Human Physiology Simulator
  • Advanced Visualization in Jupyter Notebooks
  • The new Jupyter Book - beautiful, interactive, publication-quality books built with Jupyter
  • LFortran: Interactive LLVM-based Fortran Compiler for Modern Architectures
  • The Grail: A Github Process for Jupyter Notebooks that Just Works
  • Building distributed pipelines with Jupyter Notebooks
  • Jupyter Telemetry: structured event-logging for Jupyter Applications
  • PayPal Notebooks: ML & Data Science experience
  • Using and creating JupyterLab extensions
  • Supercharging SQL Users with Jupyter Notebooks
  • Structuring Notebooks Around Their Outputs
  • The other kernel: managing browser resources in notebooks
  • Production Notebooks
  • jupyter-fs: the next generation Jupyter filesystem