Our commitment to the JupyterCon community is to create an inclusive and respectful conference environment that invites participation of people from all backgrounds, including, but not limited to gender, age, ethnicity, religion, accessibility and sexual orientation.


Online Conference
5-9 October: Tutorials
12-16 October: Conference
17 October: Sprints

An inclusive environment at JupyterCon is a common resource. It is like air and water. By using Jupyter, within its extensive ecosystem, we are all participants and contributors and have the potential to positively impact our environment, both within the conference and the greater community.

D&I touches every aspect of the conference, and we have various initiatives to promote diversity and inclusivity at JupyterCon. Below are some examples:

What we at JupyterCon are doing:

  • The Code of Conduct is strictly enforced
  • We are conducting outreach with community groups to involve participants from all backgrounds. If your group would like to partner with us, email the JupyterCon Diversity Committee at jupytercon-diversity@numfocus.org
  • Diversity scholarships

What you can do:

What speakers can do:

  • Set up space and headphones so that people can hear you at all times
  • Repeat questions asked by an audience member in chat
  • Use color-blind accessible palettes in proposals, presentations and posters (How to Design for Color Blindness)

What we all can do:

We invite you to share any thoughts and suggestions related to diversity by writing to jupytercon-diversity@numfocus.org.