What is JupyterCon?

JupyterCon brings together data scientists, business analysts, researchers, educators, developers, core Project contributors, and tool creators for in-depth training, insightful keynotes, networking, and practical talks exploring the Project Jupyter platform. JupyterCon focuses on real-world practices and how to successfully implement interactive computation in your workflow and projects. In just two weeks, you’ll discover the best practices for collaborative and reproducible data science, new use cases, and the expertise you need to transform your workflow with Jupyter.

Past events

A selection of talks
from our previous editions


JupyterCon will educate and motivate by offering:

  • Sessions that apply to the full range of Jupyter's languages and platforms
  • Practical tutorials that go deep into technical skills, new features and applications, and best practices
  • Visionary keynote presentations
  • Immersive hands-on training courses
  • Unparalleled access to core Project Jupyter contributors and tool creators
  • A sponsor area packed with related projects and products
  • Community events, such as sprints and birds-of-a-feather gatherings
  • A poster session featuring dozens of innovative Jupyter projects


Lorena Barba

General Chair

Lorena is a computational scientist and professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at the George Washington University. She is a long-time advocate of open-source software for research, and has adopted and promoted Jupyter for teaching since the project's beginnings. For the past five years, Lorena has been a member of the NumFOCUS Board of Director, and is now co-chairperson.

Sylvain Corlay

Vice Chair

Sylvain Corlay is the founder and CEO of QuantStack, an open-source scientific software development team in Paris and Berlin. As an open source developer, Sylvain contributes to Project Jupyter in the areas of interactive widgets, language kernels, and the Voilà dashboarding system.

Jason Grout

Technical Program Chair

Jason Grout is a Jupyter community leader and developer working at Bloomberg in San Francisco. Jason works primarily on JupyterLab and the interactive widget system and associated projects. Jason has also contributed to the open source Sage mathematical software system for many years.

Reshama Shaikh

Diversity Chair

Independent data scientist, based in New York City, NY, USA. Organizer of NYC PyLadies and NYC URGs (underrepresented groups) and Allies in Data Science. Served on the NumFOCUS Diversity and Inclusion in Scientific Computing Committee 2017 - 2019.

Paco Nathan

Sponsorships Chair

Known as a "player-coach", with core expertise in data science, natural language processing, machine learning, and cloud computing. 35+ years tech industry experience, ranging from Bell Labs to early-stage start-ups. Formerly Director of Community Evangelism at Databricks and Apache Spark. Cited in 2015 as one of the Top 30 People in Big Data and Analytics by Innovation Enterprise.

Rosie Pongracz

Finance Chair

Engineer by training, full stack marketer by practice. Launched over 50 products and companies. Currently lead Technical Go-to-Market for Data Science and AI at IBM, formerly Pivotal, Salesforce, VMWare (Thinstall), CollabNet. Google Android Challenge winner. Underwater photographer, pilot, citizen scientist. Carnegie Mellon BSEE.

Joshua Patterson

Exhibits Chair

Joshua Patterson is Director of Engineering for RAPIDS at NVIDIA. Previously, he spent four years as a Data Science Principal at Accenture Technology Labs and a year in government as a White House Presidential Innovation Fellow.

Tania Allard

Tutorials Co-Chair

Developer advocate at Microsoft with vast experience in academic research and industrial environments. Passionate about mentoring, open source, and its community. Contributor, maintainer, and developer of a number of open source projects and the founder of Pyladies NorthWest UK.

Gerard Gorman

Tutorials Co-Chair

Reader (Associate Professor) in Computational Science and Director of the Applied Computational Science and Engineering MSc at Imperial College London. Director the Devito open source project, a domain-specific language for finite difference solutions of inverse problems. Gerard is also Research engagement consultant with Microsoft.

Safia Abdalla

Sprints Co-Chair

Safia is a maintainer in the nteract open source organization and a software engineer. She is passionate about bringing people together to build great things.

Cristián Maureira-Fredes

Sprints Co-Chair

Open Source enthusiast currently based in Berlin. Qt for Python maintainer, R&D Manager at The Qt Company, and former Astrophysicist at the Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik.

Jeremy Tuloup

Infrastructure Chair

Scientific Software Developer at QuantStack. Contributor to JupyterLab, the Debugger extension, Voilà and various other projects within the Jupyter ecosystem.

Wolf Vollprecht

Infrastructure Team

Wolf is a robotics engineer from Germany, working on Open Source projects QuantStack. He lives in Berlin, works on jupyter-ros and other JupyterLab extensions and hopes to help organize a really nice JupyterCon 2020!

Dinu Gherman

Infrastructure Team

Dinu Gherman works at HERE Technologies, has translated early Python books by O’Reilly and others into German, worked some time for ReportLab, and contributes to and advocates Open Source, Python and Jupyter in the local Python community he founded in Berlin and at work.

Laura Norén

Community Chair

Laura Norén is VP of Privacy and Trust at Obsidian Security, a cybersecurity startup based in Newport Beach where she runs privacy operations. Norén is a frequent speaker on data ethics, privacy legislation, and the social impact of data-driven technologies. She continues to publish in academic journals as well as popular press locations. She holds undergraduate degrees from MIT and a PhD from NYU where she completed a Moore-Sloan postdoc at the Center for Data Science.

Amanda Casari

Speaker Management

Engineering Manager at Google where she leads research and engineering to better understand open source systems.
Endlessly fascinated by the difference between the systems we aim to create and the ones that emerge.

Lauren Burke

Marketing & Communications Chair

Lauren is a Data Scientist at CoverMyMeds, Director of Operations of Women in Analytics, and Founder of WiMLDS Columbus. She is passionate about initiatives that promote the interests and achievements of women and girls in STEM and enjoys every opportunity to share her appreciation of math, data, and analytics with others.

Jim Weiss

Logistics Chair

Jim Weiss is the Events Manager for NumFOCUS, and Logistics Chair for JupyterCon 2020. Jim joined NumFOCUS in 2017, and has been supporting the open source scientific programing community through organizing programs like PyData. Prior to joining NumFOCUS, Jim worked in Washington, D.C., coordinating congressional hearings for the U.S. House of Representatives and managing events for the U.S. Air Force.

Carol Willing

Special Advisor to the General Chair

Carol Naslund Willing serves on Project Jupyter’s Steering Council and works as a Core Developer on JupyterHub and mybinder.org. She serves as a co-editor of The Journal of Open Source Education (JOSE) and co-authored an open source book, Teaching and Learning with Jupyter.
She is a member of Python’s Steering Council and a core developer of CPython.


Project Jupyter is an engaged and respectful community made up of people from all over the world. We are committed to fostering a productive, professional and inclusive environment for everyone. All community members are expected to show respect and courtesy to other attendees throughout the conference, all conference events and online forums. Our code of conduct is strictly enforced.
Code of conduct


Our commitment to the JupyterCon community is to create an inclusive and respectful conference environment that invites participation of people from all backgrounds, including, but not limited to gender, age, ethnicity, religion, accessibility and sexual orientation. Any inquiries can be sent to jupytercon-diversity@numfocus.org.